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drum roll >> our new baby is a...

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Finding out what gender your ever-growing baby will be is the best doctor appointment ever. Hands down.

We first went to find out at 16 weeks, but the baby was shy with ankles crossed. We left with nothing more than an impression of what it may be.

Yesterday I went back in for my check-up. Finally we would know for sure!

We decided that the best way to let three year old kids know what gender their new baby will be is over color-coded snow cones, naturally.

Nora wanted a pink snow cone for a girl and Byron wanted blue for a boy. I was expecting some drama. Someone was going to be disappointed. I made sure we had some video recording going on to catch the fit so we could laugh later (such a caring mother, I know).

Here they are waiting for the grand snow cones to arrive....
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...and what arrived is a pink snow cone for our sweet baby GIRL!
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Nora was excited! Her dreams came true!

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We honestly expected this little boy to throw his head back and wail because he didn't want a pink one. He surprised us with contentment. This is is "happy face". It's new.
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After leaving the doctor's office I shed a few happy tears. I am sure it was partially because I am pregnant and hormones have a way of really activating your tear ducts, but it was mainly because Nora will have something I never had and desperately wanted: a sister. Women need women. And I will have my girls. And they will have each other. Sure--we will see plenty of cat-fights and many differences. My hope is that in the end they appreciate having each other.

I may or may not have already bought fabric for her bumpers already....maybe.

And now I leave you with her sweet semi-profile that makes her look like an alien. I love that little alien face already.
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  1. So Happy for you! (And you're right! Women need Women! How lucky for your girls! :-)

  2. Your kids are so dang cute!! .....and what a cute way to tell them about the new baby....snow cones....who would have thunk! Baby girls are awesome, drama and all....besides, their clothes are cuter! Congrats!!!!

    1. Yes, Bev! I am excited about dressing this little girl up! Nora got the short end of the stick as a baby because everything was shared with a boy (her room, even my energy to make her adorable!). Bring on the pink!

  3. You are so right about the sisters thing. I don't have one either and my heart gets so happy when I see Lili and Addy interact (nicely!). You just gave Nora the best gift ever, a sister. :)

  4. YAY! Congrats Lindsee! So fun! Girls are popping up and out everywhere :) And now you having me craving a Bahama Bucks! Thanks a lot! We have one right across the street from us (no joke, it's right across the street. I can see the sign from my kitchen window...I have to use every ounce of will power I have to not stop by everyday.. :) )

  5. Hooray for girls! Cute reveal for Byron and Nora. Can't wait to meet the little lady.

  6. Oh congrats! How fun for Nora to have a little sister and Byron to be the big 'protective' brother. Congrats again! :)
